Sunday 5 September 2010

Unforeseable Problems

No, sadly we have not departed yet.

We are awaiting Iranian visa's still but the real problem lies in Pakistan.

Everybody who has heard the news or read the papers will know a large part of the Punjab and more, is severely under water at the moment. Now for us that is not too much of a problem as we are in Land Rovers and they are capable of fording through up to two foot of water safely. The problem is the displaced country men and the issue with the military.

The Pakistani high commission in London has advised us against all but essential travel and we would not want to arrive at the border only to be turned back.

The military fact is that as the military are working as hard as they can at the moment trying to keep the situation under control, they are not able to offer us an escort through Baluchistan or a safe place to stay in Karachi, which is understandable.

The main issue though as the team sees it is not all of this but what the poor, starving Pakistani people will do for just some food or clean water - i.e. an ambush. We have just had some news come in from a friend in Islamabad and he informs us that where there was once arid, empty countryside it is now full of starving families that have had their homes and lively hoods washed away by mother nature.

He tells us that these people are desperate and will do anything to get a drink or some food. So the team feels it is unwise to depart until the situation improves. We cannot risk being ambushed or having our Land Rover ransacked or even stolen.

We have arranged to meet with Cambridge University tomorrow to discuss our plans and from there will we will decide on a departure date which is at the moment set to be October 2nd. Watch this space!

Sorry for the bad news but our safety must come first.

F/O team


  1. As a member of the 2005 Golden Overland attempt (which did not start off!) I wish you the very best of good fortune for the journey.

    For what it is worth my Series I is still going strong and I reckon it would do the trip even now!!

    Yake care and enjoy!

  2. Been thinking about you guys and that particular issue. Really don't think you should risk it. Those people are struggling to survive and the last thing they're concern is your safety.
    Hope everything turns out ok.
